Thursday, 3 July 2008


On Saturday I just got back from Fiji. It was really cool. I went with a group called Marine Reach.
First we flow from Nelson to Auckland then Auckland to Nadi. We got picked up from the airport in some huckory, old, broken bus to go to Lautoka, which was were the boat was. It took about 30mins and there were pot holes all over the road.
We unloaded our bags, had a look in the boat then had a meeting in the lounge.
In the morning we were aloud to go shopping until 4 which was when we were leaving to sail. The city was pretty dirty!
The forecast for the sea was going to be ruff to very ruff! I didn't think it was too bad because I slept nearly the whole ride. It was a 20 hour trip, I slept for 16 hours! Heaps of people were sick!When we got there we went onto the island and went to the main village Yaroi. They did there thing with the Chief and then we had a look around the village. We met lots of the people. They showed us round.We went back to the boat and had tea.
The rest of the days the evangelism team (Which was the team I was on) went to the schools of all the villages, some days we stayed on the boat and did programs with the kids while they waited to go to the dentist.All together we had 14 working days and 16 away from home. It was really good but glad to be home!