Friday, 12 October 2007

We have being doing a unit at school on water.
We had to make up a acrostic poem.
Here is mine:

Waves crashing loudly on the sand
As the lakes are cool and calm
Tsunamis crash the building down
Every living thing needs water
Rapids rushing down the river


How were your holidays?
In the holidays I went to Nelson and saw Bratz,The Movie.
I didn't like it but my sister wanted to see it so we did .
Matt(Our Boarder)had to go to hospital for 3 days.
He had like a tiny scab on elbow ,but it had infected his whole elbow.
When he got back Josiah(The Chef)made us salmon steaks and sushi for Matt coming home.
It was delicious.It looked like bought sushi.
We also went to the aquatic centre with my cousins Tania and Tia.