Friday, 30 November 2007

Young Man Rises from the Dead

Just this morning Jesus was witnessed walking around after he had just been hung on a cross and put in a tomb for 3 days. Some women went to see Jesus in his tomb, but he was gone. The women went to tell the apostles but they did not believe him at first.
However, one apostle named Thomas said that he had since seen Jesus himself and that all the people who loved him are glad that he is alive.

Friday, 9 November 2007

The Weekend

Hi what have you being up to on the weekend?
Last weekend I went on the Truth Finders camp.
It was fun.We went Hydrosliding,swimming,we went
to Pizza Hut and Burger King,Rock Climbing and alot more.
We stayed in the Truth Finders church.We watched 3 big
screen movies.It was The Series of Unfortunate Events,Are we Done
Yet?And The Night at the Museum.We got back on Sunday.Then
I went home and fell asleep on the couch at 5:00.I had alot of late nights!
The End

Friday, 12 October 2007

We have being doing a unit at school on water.
We had to make up a acrostic poem.
Here is mine:

Waves crashing loudly on the sand
As the lakes are cool and calm
Tsunamis crash the building down
Every living thing needs water
Rapids rushing down the river


How were your holidays?
In the holidays I went to Nelson and saw Bratz,The Movie.
I didn't like it but my sister wanted to see it so we did .
Matt(Our Boarder)had to go to hospital for 3 days.
He had like a tiny scab on elbow ,but it had infected his whole elbow.
When he got back Josiah(The Chef)made us salmon steaks and sushi for Matt coming home.
It was delicious.It looked like bought sushi.
We also went to the aquatic centre with my cousins Tania and Tia.

Friday, 24 August 2007


We have been doing careers at school.We got to go to a place to see what people do.I went to the hairdressers.It was fun.

Monday, 16 July 2007

My Fun Holidays.

In the holidays I went to Australia. We went to the theme parks. We went to Sea World, Movie World and Dream World. My favourite was Movie World. We went on lots of rides. My Dad went on the Tower of Terror. I can't beleive he did that! My Popa also went on it, Dad bought a picture of them and Popa's face was back. On our last day the worst thing that could ever happen, happened! Me and Aroha got sick! Aroha had a leaking ear and I caught the flu! I couldn't walk around. I slept all day. Then on Saturday (that was the day that we fly out) I started thowing up. Dad said I left my mark all through the airport. On Sunday I felt way better.

Monday, 25 June 2007

Hi my name is Jamie-lee.
My favourite colour is pink and purple. I am 11 years old. I have a cat named Fifi. We are learning Japanese at school. My friends are Sydney, Elizabeth, Keilamarita, Alice and Rebekah.
Have a nice day. Toodles, bye.